Common AC Misconceptions You Should Know About

Air conditioners (ACs) play an important role in ensuring we enjoy a comfortable environment when temperatures soar. However, some myths or misconceptions surrounding their use and effects can interfere with how homeowners and operators handle them. Let us look at some of the most common misconceptions and seek to clarify these misunderstandings.

ACs Can Give You a Cold

Because an ACs lowers a room’s temperature does not mean it will induce a cold. Air conditioners have air filters that often help clean air of allergens like dust and pet dander that can trigger cold symptoms. Newer models can also promote healthier humidity levels that make air easier to breathe. Overall, running an AC can help to improve indoor air quality and reduce the chances of suffering a cold.

AC Maintenance is Unnecessary

Possibly because most people mainly use AC during the summer months, there is an assumption that there is no need to concern yourself with maintenance for equipment you do not use most of the year. However, if you neglect this equipment, it will become more prone to breakdowns and working inefficiently when you most need it.

Maintenance of your AC will save you time and money in the long run as it will reduce the risk of breakdowns and increase its lifespan. You will have less need to call an HVAC professional to fix your equipment if you regularly schedule maintenance and professional cleaning services.

The Bigger the AC the Better

When it comes time to update or replace your existing AC, do not be misled by the claim that bigger is better. Operating a larger than necessary AC will increase your energy bills and cause the equipment to have a shorter lifespan due to the frequent on and off short cycles it will go through. Work with an HVAC specialist to determine what size of AC will work most efficiently and effectively in regulating your home’s temperature.

Turn Off the AC When Not at Home

It may make sense to turn off your AC whenever you leave; however, this will cause the air indoors to rise to a high temperature. When you return and turn on the AC, the system will have to work very hard to lower the temperature to the desired level. This can put unnecessary strain on your equipment. It is better to invest in a programmable thermostat that will allow you to adjust the settings based on when there is someone at home. Have it run at a few degrees higher than comfortable when no one is home and lower the temperature when you are soon to come back.

Closing Vents Saves on Energy Bills

The air duct system is designed to help deliver cooled air around the home. When you close vents in certain rooms in an attempt to manipulate more air into another room, it does not change the capacity it was designed for and therefore does not help in saving energy bills. You will get a better result by investing in a zoning system to help improve the efficiency of your system.