Ignite International Brings Premium CBD Worldwide

The times are tumultuous, but a premium elixir which can be readily found online — is not only poised to alleviate anxiety, but also to support our physical well-being.

That elixir is CBD, the non-psychoactive component of cannabis and reasons to add it to your health regimen increase by the day.

In recent years, scientific studies have shown that CBD has a salutary effect on the brain. Doctors from all over the country have prescribed it for seizure disorders like epilepsy, to neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s. Numerous anecdotal reports indicate that it also reduces anxiety.

Now a new study conducted by medical researchers in Southern Denmark has identified CBD as a “helper-compound” that can increase the effectiveness of antibiotics against bacterial infections that have become resistant to antibiotics.

In the study, scientists used CBD to enhance the effect of the antibiotic bacitracin against the Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, a major human pathogen that frequently causes community and hospital-acquired disease.

According to the researchers, when they treated Staph with the combination of CBD and antibiotics, the bacteria could no longer divide normally and the bacterial membrane became unstable.

The hope is that with the help of CBD, bacterial resistance can be slowed and even stopped.

For added protection against stress and the very real threat of antibiotic resistant bacteria, help is available at IGNITE INTERNATIONAL, the first premium Cannabis company with a global reach.

Pairing state-of-the-art grow facilities with pharmaceutical lab extraction techniques, Ignite brings the consumer the finest Cannabis and CBD on the market.

At Ignite, a wide range of CBD products are available to order online, including oil drops, gummies, topicals and vapes. Ordering is easy; in two days a package can be waiting on the doorstep.  As a bonus, all orders over $40 ship for free.