On the Rise: Construction Industry Trends to Take Advantage of in 2020

When most people think of construction, the first thing that pops in their heads are rocks, cranes, hard hats, and brightly colored work vests… Well, those are still relevant in the construction industry but there is so much happening in construction that most people don’t realize.

It’s not that construction work is the ideal topic for discussion at the dinner table but construction is discussed when you see that your neighbor is having work done on their home or that there is a new shopping center being built that you can’t wait to explore… With the topic of construction, it always leads to the statement of “I wonder when the construction will be done.”

Time is always of the essence and we as humans are always in a rush to get things done, and expect things like construction to get done quickly too! Well, the construction industry is well aware of the importance of time, and that’s why there have been trends popping up to help construction projects get completed more efficiently.

This is great news for the construction industry simply because for many years it has been an industry that not so quick to jump on new innovations and trends. In this industry, it’s pretty much been the same construction methods with small and slightly different variations added. New technologies and construction strategies are not only changing the construction site but also the entire industry.

As the construction industry continues to grow and become more competitive, adopting these industry trends will be beneficial to any construction company. Take a look at some of the biggest trends in the construction industry to look out for in 2020.

Construction Industry Trends in 2020

Construction Drones

Drones used to be this fun gadget that people would use to get a bird’s eye view of different locations… teen boys sometimes use it to spy on the cute girl next door! So if everyone else is experiencing the benefits of drones, why can’t the construction industry as well?

The use of drones in the construction industry is one of the biggest trends to look out for in 2020. Drones not only help map out how big an area is but they also provide construction companies with real actionable data to help improve efficiency in certain decision-making processes. In addition to that, drones have also reduced construction worker injuries due to its ability to reach heights that are unsafe for construction workers.

According to dronenodes.com, drones are here to stay in the construction industry simply because they play such a huge role in the planning and analysis of construction projects and they overall just create a better working environment for construction workers.

Renting Fleet Trucks Instead of Buying

In the construction industry, you’re either hauling heavy materials or hauling your construction workers to the construction site. With all that hauling, you’re going to need reliable vehicles to get the job done. That reason alone is why so many construction companies are renting pickup trucks with different payloads and towing capacities to get more projects done more efficiently.

Plus, by renting, construction businesses are saving tons of money by not having to pay the total cost of a construction truck! The trucks alone are thousands and thousands of dollars and the maintenance of such large trucks will eat through any profits you make.

Construction Management Software

Let’s put it like this… if salons are providing excellent customer service with salon management software, a construction company can use construction management software to get projects completed efficiently.

There are lots of construction management software out there but the one you’re going to want in 2020 are ones that meet your construction company’s needs, end-to-end. The software you choose will need to allow you to do these things:

  • Share files
  • Monitor inventory
  • Payroll
  • Project management
  • Store documents

The software needs to have everything you need on one centralized system.

Smart Contracts

Long gone are the days of physically having to meet in person to conduct business and sign contracts… Today, construction companies all over the world are using smart contracts because they allow construction companies and clients to virtually come together to conduct business. Everything from buying and paying for services to, of course, signing contracts.