Successfully Making Your Next Atlanta Career Move

In the current economic climate many individuals in Atlanta are seeking ways to make a successful career transition. For some it is because they have lost a job for others it is because they have realized that their current work life balance is not meeting their needs. If someone is ready to make a career move there are many different local resources that can be utilized to make their job transition successful.

Continuing Education

For some individuals the next steps in their career involve getting further education. This might look like completing a GED or going to a physical college or university such as Georgia State or Emory for an advanced degree. In other cases online ABSN programs, other online coursework, or online certificate programs might be the way to go. Today there are many resources online which will connect an individual to the educational opportunities that they need either to continue in their current career or that they need to make a transition into a new job. It is important to connect to these educational resources in order to successfully find a new job.

Career Transition Services

There are a wide range of services which are available to those individuals who are job searching. Some of these include career assessment tools, job readiness training, job search assistance, and assistance in locating local approved training providers and registering for programs here in Atlanta. Making a career transition is not something an individual has to do on their own. Taking advantage of the career resources available will make a career transition go smoother and will decrease the individuals stress levels.


One key component of an individuals successful career transition is the development of networking skills. Networking can be a challenge for many individuals but everyone already has a network of friends and family who might be able to connect them to someone who is in a position of leadership in the career they hope to transition to. Today many of the jobs that are available are only found through networking. Networking can look like going to a formal networking event, setting up a coffee date to have an informational interview with someone, or asking individuals someone already knows what connections they might have in the field. Once someone is open about looking for a new position, they will find they have more people in their network already then they were thinking of, who are eager to be of help.

Resume Assistance

The first step to a career transition is for an individual to brush off their resumes. When writing a resume it is important to show how someone added value to their place of employment. This is often done by using action words. Once someone has written a resume it is important to have someone else look the resume over to make sure there are no typos or spelling mistakes both of which can prevent you from getting a new job. For some individuals friends and family can do the looking over while for others they might choose to have a professional look it over. 

Cover Letter Assistance 

When writing a cover letter it is important to show how you can bring value to a place of employment not what a place of employment can bring you. Most employers want to know how you are going to fulfil a need they have or help solve a problem they have. In addition while it is important to highlight key points from your resume it is more important to show how you are connected to the job you want to have. 

Mentorship/Further Career Development

Once an individual has successfully transitioned into a new role it is important to think about how they can thrive in that role. This might look like finding a mentor in their field or joining a peer group where they can discuss the challenges and successes they are having. This might also look like signing up for news about current events happening in their field. This could also look like researching what skills are needed to progress in their field and making a plan on how they are going to develop these skills. In the end finding a job is not the end of the job search process.